libfgen  0.1.15
Library for optimization using a genetic algorithm or particle swarm optimization
00001 /*
00002     bitstring.c -- functions for handling bitstrings.
00004     fgen -- Library for optimization using a genetic algorithm or particle swarm optimization.
00005     Copyright 2012, Harm Hanemaaijer
00007     This file is part of fgen.
00009     fgen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00010     under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00011     by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00012     (at your option) any later version.
00014     fgen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00015     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00016     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
00017     License for more details.
00019     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00020     License along with fgen.  If not, see <>.
00022 */
00025 #include <stdlib.h>
00026 #include <stdint.h>
00027 #include <limits.h>
00028 #include <fgen.h>
00029 #include <random.h>
00031 #if __WORDSIZE == 64
00032 #define POINTER_TO_UINT(x) ((unsigned long int)(x))
00033 #else
00034 #define POINTER_TO_UINT(x) ((unsigned int)(x))
00035 #endif
00037 void CreateRandomBitstring(FgenRNG *rng, unsigned char *bitstring, int size_in_bytes) {
00038         while (size_in_bytes >= 1 && (POINTER_TO_UINT(bitstring) & 3) != 0) {
00039                 *bitstring = fgen_random_8(rng);
00040                 size_in_bytes--;
00041                 bitstring++;
00042         }
00043         while (size_in_bytes >= 4) {
00044                 *(unsigned int *)bitstring = fgen_random_32(rng);
00045                 size_in_bytes -= 4;
00046                 bitstring += 4;
00047         }
00048         while (size_in_bytes >= 1) {
00049                 *bitstring = fgen_random_8(rng);
00050                 size_in_bytes--;
00051                 bitstring++;
00052         }
00053 }
00060 static void fgen_set_random_bit(FgenRNG *rng, unsigned char *bitstring, const int offset) {
00061     bitstring[offset / 8] &= 0xFF ^ (1 << (offset & 7));
00062     bitstring[offset / 8] |= fgen_random_2(rng) << (offset & 7);
00063 }
00070 void fgen_set_random_bitstring(FgenRNG *rng, unsigned char *bitstring, int offset, int nu_bits) {
00071     int i;
00072     if (nu_bits == 1) {
00073          fgen_set_random_bit(rng, bitstring, offset);
00074          return;
00075     }
00076     /* Fast case when offset and nu_bits are a multiple of 8. */
00077     if ((offset & 7) == 0 && (nu_bits & 7) == 0) {
00078         CreateRandomBitstring(rng, bitstring + offset / 8, nu_bits / 8);
00079         return;
00080     }
00081     for (i = offset; i < offset + nu_bits; i++)
00082         fgen_set_random_bit(rng, bitstring, i);
00083 }
00089 void fgen_mutate_bit(unsigned char *bitstring, int bitnumber) {
00090         bitstring[bitnumber / 8] ^= 1 << (bitnumber & 7);
00091 }
00097 int fgen_get_bit(const unsigned char *bitstring, int bitnumber) {
00098         return (bitstring[bitnumber / 8] & (1 << (bitnumber & 7))) >> (bitnumber & 7);
00099 }
00107 void fgen_copy_partial_bitstring(const unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dest, int bitoffset, int number_of_bits) {
00108         int i, offset;
00109         if (number_of_bits == 0)
00110                 return;
00111         offset = bitoffset / 8;
00112         if ((bitoffset & 7) != 0) {
00113                 for (i = bitoffset & 7; i < 8; i++) {
00114                         dest[offset] &= ~(1 << i);
00115                         dest[offset] |= src[offset] & (1 << i);
00116                         number_of_bits--;
00117                         if (number_of_bits == 0)
00118                                 return;
00119                 }
00120                 offset++;
00121         }
00122         while (number_of_bits >= 8 && (POINTER_TO_UINT(&dest[offset]) & 3) != 0) {
00123                 dest[offset] = src[offset];
00124                 number_of_bits -= 8;
00125                 offset++;
00126         }
00127         while (number_of_bits >= 32) {
00128                 *(unsigned int *)&dest[offset] = *(unsigned int *)&src[offset];
00129                 number_of_bits -= 32;
00130                 offset += 4;
00131         }
00132         while (number_of_bits >= 8) {
00133                 dest[offset] = src[offset];
00134                 number_of_bits -= 8;
00135                 offset++;
00136         }
00137         for (i = 0; i < number_of_bits; i++) {
00138                 dest[offset] &= ~(1 << i);
00139                 dest[offset] |= src[offset] & (1 << i);
00140         }
00141 }
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